For August’s blog we thought it would be fun to highlight everyone’s summer trips! Lehner Designs covered almost every corner of the U.S.. Andi went out West, Amber spent time up North in Michigan, and Gerard stayed towards the East side in Tennessee. Unfortunately, again, this year wasn’t ideal for going out of the country. However, we all found our time to be delightful, right here in the U.S.A.! Discovering new things about the wilderness, trying new foodstuffs, and even going shopping, was just enough for all of us to have a good time and enjoy being with family!
“My family traveled out West to Idaho and Wyoming this summer. While there we experienced the absolutely breathtaking views every single day! We ventured to the Grand Teton National Park and hiked around Jenny Lake. Even as a thunderstorm brewed, I had a hard time leaving my favorite stop of the trip.
Escaping the rain, we enjoyed the rest of the day in Jackson Hole, Wyoming by wandering the town, the shops and even took a family picture under the Antler Arches.
Even though we have been to Yellowstone National Park in previous years, it’s always a unique experience. The wildlife is never the same. This year we laid eyes on many American buffalo, including a pack with so many babies. We spied a bald eagle siting high in the trees and a few elk happily munching on grass by the marina. The views are always spectacular no matter where in the park you are.
Outside of Ashton, Utah, are the Upper and Lower Mesa Falls in the Caribou-Targhee National Forest, which we also visited. A rainbow often decorates the canyon on many summer mornings when the sunlight passes through the mist. We were lucky enough to capture the rainbow, the grandeur of the Snake River and the beauty of the area on this trip!
If you have a chance to visit the areas around the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone, GO! I promise you will not regret it!”
“My husband and I joined family up in Michigan, at the very top left of the ‘mitten’. The road-trip was broken into different parts so the drive was not so bad. The first night was in Grand Haven. The musical water fountain was a sight to see.
Next morning was more travel time to finally make it to Empire, Michigan. There, everyone got settled at the campsite and then went out to tube on a river branched off Lake Michigan. This was my favorite part, lounging on the lazy river and getting a tan!
The next day was all about exploring Sleeping Bear Dunes. The park’s name comes from an old legend of Native American descent. The national park spans along Lake Michigan’s shore. Some notable highlights were, the Sleeping Bear Dune from the legend, the historic village Glen Haven with its blacksmith shop and boat museum, the picturesque town of Glen Arbor, and a stop at Leland, Michigan (Fishtown). Dinner was served at the Cherry Republic, Public House at the Glen Arbor location.
Traverse City was the destination for the day after. We loved seeing all the different types of shops and roaming around the town! Of course, there was a stop at the Cherry Republic in Traverse City. Later in the afternoon, everyone traveled up to the end of the peninsula where the Old Mission Lighthouse was spotted and we dipped our toes into the lake.
The vacation was wrapped up by traveling down to Holland, Michigan and staying for a day. My husband and I spent time, checking out antique shops, picking blueberries, walking the downtown area, and eating at new dives. Taco + Bar for dinner did not disappoint! The trip was short but sweet, and very much needed!”